Happy New Year Everyone! 2011 is sure to be an awesome year for all the determined dreamers and entrepreneurs. If you've been planning something in 2010 this is the year of execution and growth. Get ready- don't stand still now- the time is here so take advantage of it!

Here at Rentcampus we wanted to start the year off with a little friendly writing competition. Since we are so interested in improving the quality of student life at Temple we decided to share your stories about life on campus and as young college students living in Philadelphia. We thought it would be cool to share your stories on our blog and select three writers to be guest writers on our blog for the Spring Semester. The students with the most interesting and well composed stories will be chosen. But there is a catch; we want you and your friends to vote on who you think has the best story. Participants can write about anything from their life, student life, political views, what they would change if they were the next Mayor of Philadelphia, etc. It can be anything. We just want to hear what you have to say! Student work will be published on our blog and facebook. The 3 students with the most facebook likes will be selected as the "Guest Writers", given permission to write weekly or bi-weekly columns on our blog, and compensation for their work. You are not limited to the amount of post you send in. We just ask that they be between 200 and 500 words. Feel free to include tasteful graphics and pics.
The competition will last until February 28. Post will be uploaded in the order they are received. Email all post with attached images to "rentcampus@gmail.com" Subject: Writing competition.
Good Luck! We can't wait to read what you have to say
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